The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)

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The Macon Telegraphi

Macon, Georgia

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--1 "i i V-' y-v -v f--: the mao MACON Vi--s-' 1 i 4 1 A 'w vi 1 sv 1 i 4 1 i TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 5 1932 rL 1J PHONE $500 a PHONG 6500 FOB YOUR CONVENIENCE-A STATEMENT IS SENT LATER (Ml EMPLOYMENT WANTED INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS City News in Tabloid AGENCY MAY USE RESERVE SYSTEM WELL DID JANUARY TURN OUT BETTER? Here- we' are on the verge of plunging headlong into the Second Month of 1932 Some of the old thread-bare adages might Le apropos: who hesitates is And: and tide wait for no As Mr Ripley would "Believe It or business has taken on a bit of new life A few more smiles are in evidence More dollars are circulating Of MV MaSiM daalro IJMV flVUVBV if atich orriBiD mbbcmammsm nSUnn HWI (I AfTTOMOBlLM iki II UYgWOC Kim wKWI thro II UtrLOYMEXT NtSa UITUaImmIMi Ikn lULMill Um mMNUl Un HOUMBI FOB RUT! CAL MTAFN io Jton i im OLAMIfUD DIITLAX Inf ormationend Local CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The Macon Telegraph 'and Macon Evening News Evening OlaasUlad UnrtHlai acaaptad MUHirtlt pablleatlaa la bath fat IwrH 1 Sdvaitiatag la pnbllahad Brat la Tlta Macaa Telegraph tad pah- llabal asaia aa tba dap la Tba INSTANT CALCULATOR Thla tab la af rataa gnraa taat af ad varttetag: Cir AW All Va to a ji i lta iti I Mill 141 t4 ti ta is Telegraph and News Want Ads will broaden those smiles if you avail yourself of the use of them Read them and use them February will then be the second month to see more dollars roving around si Finance Firm Offices to Be Where Bank Are Located if Plan Is Followed WASHINGTON Fob 4 MV-Th Reconstruction Finance corporation atiidying the poealbtllty of Ming tbo federal reserve aat-up aa tha backbone of Ita Impending credit operations Members of ia delegation of Ohio atste officiate said Thuraday night they had been informed that Fleming deputy governor of tho fads eral- reeerva hoard for that trek would deal with the I ta arising in Ohio problems arising in Ohio 1 It waa aald that tha eorporatloa probably would set up branch tr flees wherever there waa a branch bank la tho central district banka each federal rSIRVi district Of- fleers and directors of tho corpora tion have spent the past two days studying methods of procedure and protecting their executive and cleri cal forces From Ohio cams state officiate and bankers to lay before tha cor: poratfam tha banking situation la that state and suggest that ton plaa ba evolved whereby each state would hava assigned to it a certain quota of the P000000000 available A North Carolina group urged 4 plaa under which the corporation i would finance a certain amount of cotton in return for a guaranteed reduction in acreage i Chemical Element -(i Makes A ppearahee AUBURN Ala Feb 4 The newest addition to tho list of tha elements "Number peeped aut of hiding Thursday and mads ite firat appearance in concentrated form Announcement that Element SB had been concentrated In a chemical compound called "ItntMum Maba is made by Prof" Fred Allison Edna Bishop and Anna lb Sommer of Alabama Polytechnic institute In tha February Journal of tha American Chemical Society out Friday Legal Advertisem*nts Oia II II II ta II 1 I II vnrnox fob disckargk United Statse District esnrt division Middle district af Georgia- Ia tha matter ef Base Hartley amltk end Cart Beniamin smith Individualist and trading as Macea Berber gupply Co af Macaa Bibb county MnkruptQ 1 la bankruptcy Ta th eradltare af tha above-named bMkrapta: Yau ara hereby natlflad that' the above-named bankrupts have applied for a discharge from all debts provable against them la bankruptcy Th aald appUeatlea will bo hoard If tho UaUod State district Judg of aald -V division aad district at tha United ata tee court room la tha city af Macau Go tha 1th day ef March 1ML at 19 clock la th forenoon All creditors af aald bankrupts aid stifled ta appear at tha tba aad plard stated aad show causa If any they eauf why th prayer of aald petitioners should te gnat Dated at February at Ettas Oa this 3rd isrC A Dt 1ML S' GEORGE WHITE Br META ERWIN Pepntr Cjark QEORGIA RIBit COUNTY Brvirtea of the power of aate eaa r- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LltVLk PSPBIUNGKR wrij aad pour ladlgaatlea ar pour drugglat will refund your moaay JlM DANDY atartlug rnaab With cod Hrar all ILIL Waldorf A Ban a good placo to btfa Itl Poplar Bt Phono Hll-tllT TWO la cu baton Tf-ogg Cppbara ILW lMogg Pralria Btata tltH War ran Ill Log Cabin Bird it URCTlOXg of poplar thriving far ahoa atora raadp aaaamMad far aala chaap Pbaaa Mil- Ill Oattan Ara Special Low prteaa an bad room aultak odd placet baa lari ate Macon Trana for la HI Broadway Phono Tit II KRAXKLIN Bavlnga dad damn Co aharao at 111 per abara Pi Baa Ml Macon WE WILL BUY We will sell the following securities: BIBB MANUFACTURING COMPANY COCA-COLA FIRST NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS SOUTHERN BANK FRANKLIN SAVINGS CITY BANK AND TRUST DEFERRED PAYMENT CERTIFICATES WHITE BROKER 311 Third St Macon Ga (17-A) FOE SALE OB BECHANCE Il'ITE bedroom furniture far cured meat arrup lard ar what hava pouf Pbaaa 4MtJ IM) FLOWERS BRED PLANTS SPECIAL ardor Oeld Band Bagalai llubram aad Elegana llllra Rear grreaj flour ring abruba aad fruit rataa A Oaaaau Col in Third It LANT Eagllah paaa lrlab pata turalpa baeui aptnach aad aar-rata Xarataa A Oaaaau Ca Pboaa BKALTiriL ahrubbarp at rarp towaat priraw Turnara Kuraarp Caatrnl Clip Pant fQi'UU Icr aala at Til lacaad Kraat Pboaa tlTtW CABBAOE PLANTU Mlllleui raadp Tl rra par thou aaad Quirk ahipmaat gtakaa Plant Ca nta garald Ob WMfts aorclaai aad daffodlla ante ohaap Pboaa at net II4IJ Ml Chunk I)APp6DIg joaulla aad Uttla for aala Pbaaa Mr Tbaraa aaralaal (Ml AUTOS POD BALE 1MT0RBT Twa-dsar aadan Medal A in A-t mndlttea Viva new tlraa aauippad with fraa wheeling TERMS HARRIS JRs GARAGE III Poplar at Pbaaa 44 USED CARS 1114 nodes 4 -doer sedan If 117 Ford 4 -dear sedan Ill IM7 Olda apart rtupe it IMI I tedge standard I aedan If Htan siprsea ltlt Ford I-doer sedan Ml lit! Ford standard roups body 41 IMI Ford ane-lou expreas It Jones Stewart Motor Co til aacsad at Pbaaa till lilt MODEL pTyMoC'tH COACII' and 151 Medal Chevrolet asach for sale Beth ears la epimdid caadltien call Nt bridge lill-V (MA) BATTEBM Fl'LLi guaraataad bailarlae ILM and four aid baitarlea uouthaaatam Bat lory Co- Ml Broadway Pboaa DTI (MAI BABY CHI CBS vlaaroua heavy laying tteeb Our chicks ara hairhed Hibt aad auaraatood to gia aailafac floe Writs far arlcee Cerdela llatrhery Cordele 6a Qf AlIT? 'baby chlcha It per hundred until Fee If cams In and gat our fuarantee Electric Hatchery ill bird etreet BABY rblrke Whits l-egheme ReJe erred Racks and Butt Orptagtena par 111 alas custom hatching Karstea and Daaaou Ce 111 Third atreet CH li'KI hatched ivarp Wednesday It Kr hundraA Racke Rede and Logons Wa aellrlt psur custom hatching It per tray af 111 rice Bibb Hatchery Head Ce rtioao 4111 tIT) WANTED TO BUY WAllttb la buy dead aaad iurultare gae wood and sail stoves Pbawa ItT LlVINU room bail ream dinette Mies ruga and refrigerator In first deal condition Pbaaa MIL (ID MALE HELT WANTED ipeCiaL KWicb Ta Maiwn Tateiraiw and Macea Evening New readerai It la tlta da eiru af this department to prevent If poaaibla tha menu way sur raadara can ba Imposed upon Them departments at any time will land ovary aasletanra la Ita raadara la preventing Impealtlan aad ahanld ba consulted before mousy la paid to secure any Job ar far aa outfit with arhldi ta obtain one aa It la often difitcult to determine legitimate advertisers from ether kinds ii CLIFTON Manager Macon Telegraph ind Macon Eva nine Nawa ciaaaiflad Advertising da part meats frTCSft Brtl'gfl company needs ra liable worker Complete training baa Mr Miner Til Data Avanas evening! (Ml FEMALE HELP WANTED SkLiIsYM It or aoil Ladp'a'real silk toa ta tap full fashion base itc par pair Worth to llM AH weights New aliadra Mall orders fllletl If ullage Included Itandard glares nc III Third St CorKTraTION nailanally advartUad baa opening far twa woman II to 41 yeara at ago Must ba able ta fur Utah twa referencee Apply ta 10:11 444 Urarni Bldg (41) MALE OB FEMALE HELP UPruRTuNlTTSa offrtilVir Used wages good working caaditlnn and future appartualitea ara effsred young man aad yaung woman In tha printing business whs will Qualify muautypo aad lluul) pa opera lem eainPMiiara and praabman Loam a trade Taka aa offlelent Quick road Write tha geuibem School Printing 7I44 nauth nireet Kaahvlllw Tea OY) llEOldTRRED wuraa af Chrlatlau char actor college graduate wlohaa paof-tloa In raflnad home with Invalid or mml-lavalld Beat af rafaroncM Bos H-II4 cart paper far halp In flUteg tap klad af vacaacp phone aa Barvtea fraa A Phone Mil ROOMS AND APARTMENTS (Ml ROOMS AND A PAETMEN IS capital Oaraga tham'fuu and ahewar bath II walk ullT in touch with ma tor flrat-elaaa apartment Vurnlahed ar uufamlahad itaat hot water AU eeannlaaeoa Reduced raata Xathartaa Court Elkon owner iTtEE RENTAL SERVICE To nawaamoru Macaa and far banaflt af atraaiara in Maaaa ar thaaa wha am not familiar with tha atraata aud tbair TUB MAOON TRLEORAPR and MA CON RVRNINO NEW! have al pair dUpeeal a free rental bureau Apply y- the CLA agIPICO ADVRRTiaiNQ DEPARTMENT and aah for Mloa Rich atda ar Mlaa Hadglaa aad they will ba plea aad la took through all earreat ada aad eel act aa maay aa I or ad draaaan tbaa gat la touah with thaaa partial gad find aut If the raama ar apartmonta ara vacant aad direct pau to them giving pan tie local tea priee aambar af raama and ear ether later aiatioa daalrad Taka advaataga if thla aarvlca aad remembeiwirg PRRB III CLLKliE STREET Living roam bad ream tlla bath kltohaaatta dlaattay prlvaia hall Parch Oarage Phone III hoteL bol'thlan!) Talaphoaa II4T Wrokly 'rataa 14-IT-M Monthly rataa iftit-ii TRNIBMEI) far heuaekeeping Extra large ream Alaa two contacting raonia Caavealaaoaa Private hem II4I-J ilf irnW-fm raama fumlahad 1 fu light baaaokacplng Reaaoaabla Rcfer-ma oichaagcd Private family 144T-M FIVE-ROOM and aua parlor luwar apartmoat Xvarp convenience Vary appealing Btrictlp high claw Cleae la apacial price ta reapenalMa party Pboaa ISM COLlr6b ruralahad apart Private bath Oaragu Complete aa eettegw Adulta anlp Pboaa Mil WELL LOCATED B-room dewnatalra apartment in Vinevllla Far ac cupancp March lat Unfurnished Phene MIL fVKKIBHED bod ream la attractive madam bungalow Connecting bath Oarage Clean Im TiT Plaa Pboaa HM-W BOND APARTMENTS Three furaiahad roam ml 1 fhraiahed ream ML ateam beat Private bath Pbaaa Illt-W UOL'BEKEEPINO APARTMENT Pri i vata entrance bath garage Conveniences North Highland baa line atudlo Phone 1171" fisVERLX PLACE ateam heated bed- Camfonablp fumlahad Rath with ahawar Garage Reaaeaable Pbeua MIL tfl SECOND IT Fumlahad room with kitchenette Ceavenlent bath Pint Saar ML Pbawa HI 4-J WAIKIXOTON AYE Two largo raama fumlahad far bouaakeaplng with ranvaulaacae Claao la Raaaaaable Pbaaa Mll-R TIT FIRST IT Apaitmenta la private home Fnmlahcd ar nnfnmlahad PH-vata bathe Oa regee Reduced rental liiMAGNOLlA BT7 Twa ar three ream apartment completely fumlahad in private heme Sink Oarage Phono 1114-W fuSi Macon Welcome Buraan baa a alee welcome far all now-camera and will help teeate them without ehttga-tten Pboaa IMI far appal ntwtett WiRtER ta still hara' New welt-beated apart meat with automatic beat tM trel aad all madam eeaveulaacee he Hading garages BeaaonaMe Phans 4IM il4 ORAkoK aaar Bark FWmlsbad bed roam Newly ranavatad Adjalalag bath Hat water Pbaaa 1141 NlCfcLV fumleked two-ream aportmaaL Private bath atovo for aala Pboaa lflt-H Gas ATTRACTIVE newly decorated three roam and private bath apartment Fkrnlahtd ar uafumlahad Reasonable Phans Mil IJTCXLY furaiahad room la madam home Private bath Running hot watar Radlaara hast Ctoaa in Oarage Pbaaa IITI fwo partly furalabed Ill Las Five-room haaea in-it 147 street off Hnuatw Ult-MX Til CHERRY I-raom furnished apartmeat with bath Ala an houes-haaptag ream Pbonaa 41 11-411 WA or four rooms furalabed Hat water gink Garage Vary raa aonabte Orange nt tltl-W fHRll-BOON unfurnished apartment Private bath All aoavanleaeee Also ala -ream house Vlaevllle Twa bathe IHI-J ili OOtUoL Lovely furaiahad bad room Every ranvanianro larludlng haat maid aarvlea Garage Vary da airakla Itit-J Entire Upatalra apartmoat with prl-vato bath at Itl llrmlwrt avenue for rant rhaap Phone itl-J fcxbltOOMR oannartlag private bathe haat I1LIA ML4L Boama kitchen ottaa 11110 15144 Blltmora MIL railage Hill Mil fwo rooms partly fumlahad IIIL Five-room hour Its a ill atreet off Mansion Itlt-MX Lao iTYfif kripM you want la ant liatad hare why aat phone 414 and far a fear cents plana aa ad making yeur wants knonn AAliTMKNTa IM Forsyth lower tin 141 Hardeman Ava I-B 4440 IM Halt Ava 4-R a 1404 141 Itemar gt fur l-lt Ifa*g III Walnat at lower rleht I-R litt HARDEMAN CO Ilrsllors 1M4 HlGH I'umlshril ar unfurnished apartmcntih Yaunx lady ta ahara ream or apartment HJ4-W Ciitilii nicely furnished comer front bed-mom Prime bath Hast ii Jdranga Phone 4711 Tl heart "af VInavlila Four-room flnt floor apartmeat com-plata On door from earllna TValr-ablo nelehhors Vurnlahed or unfur-nlahtd Phono 51M-J ROOMS AND BOARD- IM) BOOMS AND BOARD Slcteit furaiahad room Kn-alient meala Uaraga Vary reesouabla rhona 4411-W lie UOLLEGK Nlvily fur-nlah4d room and hoard Heat and all conveniences Plians 1717 RObM with mesla illi wk Without meala 1141 Meala lie ta Newmaa agement TiT Cherry nt EXCEUKNT meals and furnished bedroom In modern home ronneetlng bath Near clgirrhee Dralrabla Io-ration Pbnna I47L miLBRirimf targ treat room and hoar! Raaaan-Me rataa (laragw PhaM M7-W I WANTED TO BENT CEiiilAnill furnished room wiiii bath wanted abeut March I by gentleman with bast references Iterated near No TM Orange nu With ar wlihnut hrrak-faat gtala monthly rental Writs Boa rare payer (MI HOtSKS TOR SALE A Buy at $80000 Thla la a gaod house la a sccllan that rente wall la safe and vrry rcaeon-nblR pnaad Willingham Loan Trust Co REALTOR IM Saoead II rhena III Dr Harrold wag fa-alicted chairman of tha Boy Scout regional camp commlttaa and Hugh Quin waa made a member of tha regional executive committee at tha annual regional meeting of Boy Scout council members of Georgia Florida North and South Carolina held In Columbia tarty thla week it waa announced Thursday on tha return of tha Macon delegation Members of tho Central Georgia Boy Scout council who attended wen Dr Harrold Mr Quin and Cart Alien Tho Ocmulgeo river hero Thursday morning gauged Ul feet slightly above flood stage and caused Harry Haynes meteorologist to iaaua a warning advising "precautlona at all lew The rise in the river herd was feet during Wednesday night Fair and colder weather predicted for Macon today A temperature of to 43 decrees ia expected thla morning Mr Bad Mrs Harry Papa warn called te St Leaie Me yesterday by tha death af Mre Fred Pape wife af Mr brethar Mrs Pape died sadden-ly Wednesday night' Mr Papa's brather la eemmlaslenar af parka Md pabUe welfare In SL Leaie Tho exhibits committee of representatives from all organizations for children's work in tho city will meet at 0 this afternoon to plan tha city-wide young people'! bobby how to ho held bi tho Macon auditorium on- April 1-2- Dr Harrold general chairman of the exposition to ho put on under the auspice of tha Boy Scouts will meet with the committee In the city hall Lincoln McConnell exhibits chairman Will preaida A revision of tha constitution and by-laws of the Macon Ufa association was voted at the meeting of tho association at noon Thuraday at the Oriole cafe MANY GEORGIANS ARE IN SHANGHAI Millard Ray Cox of Macon Is Stationed There Custer Aboard Ship Mxctm and other a action of Gaor-gia are represented in the poraonuei of the United State military force that are now la the Shanghai fighting son or are likely to he ordered there from nearby stations Millard Bay Cox' 30 son of Mr and Mrs A Cox 415 Montpelier avenue la a member of the Marino corps now stationed In Shanghai In a latter written to hla parents before the present hostilities developed he spoke af enjoying hla aarvlca at Shanghai Ha has been station ad tears tor tea last IS month aad AiBiaftif ad tfh Jith bmcMb company third battalion Fourth £-tins corps LleuL Ban Scott Custer Bain-bridge brother of Oliver Custer local attorney te on duty as an air cout abroad tha airplane carrier Houston Tho ship recently arrived in Shanghai to protect American citteena and property It ia the flag chip of the Asiatic fleet Capt Vinson of Cords! brother of Representative Carl Vinson te a member of the Slat Infantry which hax been ordered from Manila to the sone of activity Major Harry McXellar one of the chief aurgeona of tha Manila area stationed at Fort Spotaenberg te within tho sons from which troops have been moved into China Hla brother Prof Indue McKeUar of Wesleyan college has not heard that Major McKeUar haa gone to the war sone but he thinks It likely that he has been sent with whatever medical unit waa ordered from ManUa List of Marines Members of the Marine corps from Georgia who are on duty In the war aone are: Berman Anderson Register Hew lett DeFoor Atlanta Cecil 8 Hicks Atlanta William Strong Abbotsford Henry Branan (private flint ciaaa) Eastman SgL Harold Cook Atlanta James Pratt Wilson Atlanta Hollle Croas Chamhiee Carl Ware Royaton Langdon Waver Jr Savannah Ralph Baker Smyrna: Boy Brantley Stateiboro Harold Brown Molena Holland Cash Atlanta Raymond A Clark Hlnes-vtlle William Collins Savannah Clinton 8 Edlnfleld Jeaup Corp Charles Roberta Gainesville Anderson Wars LaGrange Cecil Love Glenvtlle Ralph A Lowe Gray Renter Thompson Raslehurat John Saxon Pine-ora Dana Glase Way cron James Maengale Greenville Frank Kelly Atlanta: Grady Townael Royaton Corp Edgar Taylor Demoreet John Lester Copeland Griffin Reid Reynolds Savannah Robert Elmer McGraw (private first class) Brunswick William Clemente Arlington: MUlaid Ray Cox Macon Corp Walter Fay Bennett Atlanta John Henry McEtroy Jr Atlanta Edward Morrow Roes-ville: Lester A Watson Sylvester Joseph Wood Hardwick Georg A Rawlings Vldette Second Lieut Thomas Marks Summerville Charm Souare Club Studies in Groups The Charm Square club Thuraday night held tho flnt of a aerie of planned te taka tha place of entertainment program at tha weekly meeting James Shelburne director of the Mercer University riayrn conducted a study group In dramatics and Mrs Henry Burnett a study group in current events Mr Shelburne read a play to the group and left with tha glria a small dramatic library to bo read before next Thursday night They selected several playa for study and discussion Tha course ia to terminate In the presentation of a play In several waeka Mre Burnett led a discussion of news of tha day featuring tha Slno-Japanese war Next study will ba centered around a map of tha disturbed area ta China aha aid Foster A Walker and Cecil Whitaker were appointed membera of a committee to write proposed revisions for tho acceptance of tho group Tho bankrupt atock of Leea Department store has been sold to Max Jacobe and company Atlanta salvage company and soon will bo placed on aala here it waa announced Thura-day Miss Ruth Jackson entertained tho members of tho Oglethorpe Private Infirmary association Thuraday afternoon at the home of Dr and Mrs Porch 1403 Oglethorpe street Mlaa Martha Emerson president presided at the busi-neaa session and a social hour followed Rev Adlel Moncrief Jr pastor of tha Oakland Baptist church Atlanta and alumni president of the CM Alpha Omega fraternity of Meteor university held a conference with officers of tbo "chapter here Thuraday afternoon An Jury eases In Bibb Superior 1 court for the week ef Feb 3 will he peetpened until the week af Match 33 and Jarymen seed act report next week Judge Malcolm Jsaes aaneanced Thuraday A Bhousa 77 retired engineer of tho Central of Georgia railway la visiting hla daughter Mre Reynolds 909 Peachtree etreet for a few day Mr Shouae now Uvea ia Montgomery Ala Detective yesterday were asked to Investigate tho theft of plumbing fixtures from a vacant 'house at 123 Madden avenue The alnk and a coll in tho heater In the kitchen were stolen and in the bath room every fixture except tha bathtub waa haul-ad away Mrs Frierson 129 Culver street reported to detectives laat night the theft of a red Puritan bicycle from her house RELIEF MEASURE PLACED ON SLATE Senate to Have Roll Call on Costigan-LaFollette Act Republicans Confident WASHINGTON Feb 4 The senate Thuraday aquarely faeed tha troublesome issue of spending government money te help the Jobless and took action preparatory to a direct vote on a proposal that 375-000000 he appropriated for thla pur- Without objection the LaFollette-Coaetgan bill to bring this about waa mad tha order of business Tha acquiescence of the administration Republican group waa taken aa an Indication it la confident ef defeating tha proposal when the final vote arrives 'Frealdant Hoover te an out-pofcan opponent ef direct federal relief Olte-atitute measure Democratic lead ara hip This would hava 1750000000 appropriated one-half of tha amount for road construction and tha other for loans to states to be devoted to relief work When the substitute te brought to roll-call the Republican Independ rats of the wish who are hacking the LaFoltette-Costlgan measure will vote with the Republican regulars against 1L Several Democrats hava bolted the party leadership on thla question and may ba expected to vote with the Republicans Several other alternate or substitute proposals were being discussed Informally Thuraday but were not ready for presentation to tho senate If these are defeated senate leaders expect a close vote on tha La-Toilette-Cos tlgan bill: The only speeches -on the Mil so far hava been by Its two authors La Toilette (Republican Wisconsin) and Coatigan Democrat Colo-radio) The latter Thuraday continued without finishing tho speech he began Wedneeday to convince the senate that private relief funds are Inadequate He spent moat of tho day reading to tha senate testimony of welfare workers before tha manufactures committee In support of th MIL Two amendments to th Democratic substitute proposal wro offered by Senator Tydlngs (Democrat Maryland) both designed to insure repayment by the states of the fawns which would ba made under the Mil One would provide that if tha states had not repaid tha fawn within three years federal road aid funds would be withheld until settlement of the debt Tha other would prevent loans to a state until Its legislature had adopted a resolution promising to repay them Sponsors of the relief legislation contended the second amendment would prevent making the loans to meet the emergency I fOT AJUb- proposed by thef Woman Confesses Theft of Vehicle Says Car in Forsyth Case Stolen in Pennsylvania 1 A young woman arreatod with four men after a wild automobile chase from Rivoit to Pop ter treat Wednesday night Thursday confessed to Police Chief Ben Watkins that tha 1933 Franklin aedan In whtete the party was riding was stolen In Pennsylvania Chlsf Watkins Mid Tha woman who gavo her name aa Mrs Kelly A Pclfrey was arrested with Randolph Diets Jim Bate Bob Bate and Kelly Felfrey to whom she Mid she had been married four months The car bore a Pennsylvania license and the five persons Mid they lived In Pittsburgh The men refused to talk Thursday police Mid but after much questioning tho woman admitted the car was stoitn She would not tell any more however Chief Watkins Mid Police here attempted to atop tho ear after they had received word from Foreyth that th party had stopped at a filling station than bought IT gallons of gas and dashed away at a high speed without paying the station operator here la Woman Burned Taken to Hospital Hr A Brantley 71 waa sort-otinly burned about tha body- aarly Thursday afternoon when hi clothes Ignited while the was sitting ia front of an open flro in tbo hom*o of her daughter Hit Glover 20 Walnut street -She waa admitted to tho Macon hospital Fhyaicians said her condition wan fair laat night and aha wan expected to recover Mm Glover said nhp believed a park flew from tha open grata and ignited her dregs Mrs Brantley screamed and members of her family ran to her aid Mr Glover was burned about tho hands and arms and aha smothered tho fire with a small rug Mrs Brantley la a resident of Tennllle and waa visiting in Macon Germany Accused of Breaking Pact PARIS Feb 4 IP Accusations that Germany ia violating tha Treaty of Versailles by arming herself and building up a war machine superior to that of 1914 were carried in aa Interview In La Matin Thursday i Deputy Bouilloux-La Font of tha military affaire committee will shortly present chart es to that affect to tha chamber In a report on war department budget MITCHELL FBIMABT SET CAMILLA Ok -Fete The Mitchell- county offtatale will bo held Feb 94 There is opposition for all county officer with the exception of treasurer and clerk and from present Indications at least L000 votes will ho polled (Cl) CLASSIFIED DISPLAT MOVING Staring Packing Shipping PhaM SM LOWEST PRICES On Expert Automobile Repairing SPARKS MOTOR CO 613 Third SL Phone 6226 USED CARS Attractive Prices 1930 Dodge 6 Sport Sedan-Six natural wood wheels beautiful $675 black finish 1929 Latest Type Dodge Senior 6 Finished in maroon Equipped with new 6-ply tires $675 1930 Ford Roadster with rumble seat run $295 very little 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe excellent condition good tire me- $3gg chanically perfect 1929 De Soto Coupe A fine running light $350 6 new tires 1929 Hup Century 6 Sport Hew paint and top first class mechanical SL $375 1929 Dodge 6 Coupe Hew Firestone tire new paint economical to CQOC operat 1929 Graham Paige Model 610 Sedan Good original finish reconditioned motor wat covers $375 STEVE SOLOMON JR 462 BROADWAY PHONE 49S6 HOUSES FOR SALE (Ul DOUSES FOB SALE TAXES If bitereatH la taxation Jala tlta Taxpayer League bow Ns ceacl Aah your realtor Washington Dessau Realtor FOR At a prteo which will In-toroat tha buyer af real bargains la real aetata a wall-located hom*o with In It minutes' walk of tho court house Henry Whitehead Pbaaa HIT VINEVILLE AVENUE HIT Viasvilie Ava Thla ham Is a mod ara ale-room bungalow Arrange meat la splendid Occupies large comer lot Tbio hom*o Io worth moro than are offOrlag It far MiOttl Murphey Taylor Ellis Inc REALTORS IIT Phases 3 BRICK STORE RESIDENCE 29 ACRES At Inut wa hava beaa offering pteadid proposition for tLlftM Tha to wflltag to areopt1 aomatMag bln Lai no gtooaao row Murphey Taylor Ellis Inc HI Realtors Mg (M) FARMS AND LANDS rOR SALE Perm lands In all parte of Oaorgla Thaaa forma ara wall located titles perfect aad wa raa Mil aa parllrularly aaar tar ms gmall cash payment and balance la five or mere yearly payments at reasonable rata of Interest Write for our new farm Hat THE GEORGIA LOAN A TKl'HT CO Maces National flank Bldg Macon Ga (M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BARBER SHOP FOR SALE Apply Terminal nation tn MOXEI TO LOAN LOANS ULM to I1MC CHItaaF Loan Company Ill Bibb Bldg US) SALARIES BOUGHT MONEY von salaried people MORGAN CO 4M lad gt rhona 44L (Ml INSEBAXCD WK HAVE moved ta aur awn building 111 4 Cotton avenue Cams to aaa us In aur owa hpmii BARNS RARNES INC Phene II HOUSES FOR RENT (91) HOUSES FOB RENT Desirable lioute Seven raama and batb uarasa 138 per month Henry Whitehead Phnne I til Kent from owner ITU Itroadway 4 ream IIM 177 Broadway 4 rooma 11110 Firat class shape Phans 4JM ATTRACTIVE IIOUSKS FOR RENT 7 SI Madden Ava 4 (SI 411 Mikado Ava I I5it 1714 Second Bt I Ii0 111 Ponca da I -eon Are I 114 CALL US FOIt APPOINTMENT Phones ltl-7 A IIOLT COMPANY nraiMrfitl' AVE North Hlshlaaiix: or I rooms ttll Broadway 4 rooms RaaaonaMo U44J SIT Til BPraitU pLacE lor rent Thla la Hire 4-ream bri-'k horn with Arrola heat Odom Beatty On fl IIAKDKMAN AVE KIcM-roomiwb story hrlek houao sleeping poroh Gangs 1174 month Writ 1 Bog JL'1 J3 Valley Oa IXTlOOM housa Hot water Good neighborhood Rodnred rant 114 Carling avanua Phono tlt-w WiLf exchange tianaa rcnV onto Pliona 1177 for good l-r-KOOM IIOI'PEA Fnmlxhed Fle-trta lights and city water tllt Phone 1444-M ar ll VfjfKVifXit Six -renin house complet'-ly furnished Hot water Large heatrola Reaxonable phone llli (91) CLASSIFY DISPLAY LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Borrow on your car or let ua refinance balance owing Easy terms Quick arnica Georgia Fi nines Co Caiv Cherry aad Reread Sla Phana 9371 liaised la a security dacd from En Martha Lewis Kadarty sugars' Lam- bar company dated Aug ST 1417 ro-a coingcd in Beak ITL page lit dartre Office Superior Court of said county the uadaralgnad will sail al psblta aat- cry before th courthouse door la said -county during tha legal hours af Mia ta tha highest bidder for cash aa Fab I 1IIL th following property: That certain tot of land lying la tend tot Number lit of tha Fourth dl trlet of Bibb county Oaorgla and be- -lag a pan ef Lets aad af Block 'Y A of Dol Park a plat af aald Dai Park tienlarly dearribad aa fallows: Bagla- alng at a point oa Dol Way fifty foot aat af tha intersect loa af this eaath-ara Has af Lat I and tha eastern line ef Lot 4 aald Black A with Dal Way thanre la a westerly direction tho sonthtrn Uno ef Lot 9 a dtatanca of fifty feet to tho Uno of Lot 4: 4 thenc ta a northerly direction aad along th eastern Una af Lot 4 a dt tear of 110 feet to tho northers Hue of Lot 1 thence easterly along tha -Tj Una af Let a dtatanca ae fifty fast: thence southerly usd te a straight Um acres Lata 3 aad S' ta tha point af beginning an Dal Way aid aala will ba mad far tha par- poaa of paying 11711 prlasipaL cap- -a reoentod by fifteen notec -tha first fourteen far twenty dollars each 1 and i tha Aftaaath far It7ll aaeh dated Aug 7 ii maturing monthly bogie- ning with and on Nov 1111 with In- torast aftar maturity at sight par rent par annam Paid Mr Kadarly having defaulted la -tha pennant of th aotas duo Nov 1ML Dec 111 and Jaa 1ML all ef said aetea hava borvms duo and ara now dn sudor tha farms af said dead Proceed af said aala taoba applied ta tha payment of tho principal and Interact dua on th debt so secured and tha expense af thla praeaading aad tha ramaladar If any ta ba pate ia accordance with law Bald sate will ba made anbjaet ta' a aacurlty dead foam sold Mrs Kaderly ta Builder' Lumbor company foe fifteen hundred dollar recorded In Book lit Pg lit Clerk' Office Bibb gnportor Court aad transferred to Morrte Patael la Book 177 pate IIT aald Clark's Office and purchawr at such xala wllL' bur subject ta aald deed Deed ta purchaser at such ante wilt ba mad by th undersigned under -power and authority contained te aald deed Thla Jan 7 ML Bl'ILDERr LUMBER CtX BT BASKIN SR Prsaldeat I IW Alt III IW Lll All IM Ml la Lll Ml 411 Ml II ta It I LW Ml Ml Ml II ta II I 111 Ml Ml Ml thnmom cttARcrm Tha abara peteae aovae bath Marmlai aad Rvaatag patan Ma radaetlaa la ata far aaparata- Marslag aad Bvaalag Wa raaaraa tba right ta elamlfy all adaartlaaaiaaM aeeardiai (a afflea claaal- Ha ateirrayaat pahaMry ar Uka varttetag adeaptad Na Iraadalaal ar faha laad accepted Tba TaUfraph aad Mawa will aat br taapaawila far arrara af any klad la tatepheaad advartlaaauata Rapablkatiaa far arrara -Tba Tala graph aad Nawa will aat ba raapaaatbla far mac thaa aaa la tar tart laaartlaa af aa advarliaamaat ardarad far mar Hie im tlrntb JJ oatmeal far arrara will ba la altar a parlad af II dsya firat laaartlaa af ad Ada will ba ehanad whara paraaaa aaaia appaara la talapliaaa dlraetarp Maba payment promptly aftar public -tlaa ar wbaa Bill ara praaaatad bp wall ar aallaatar aa paa aacaamadata aa Ta laaart paar ad aat pboaa S500 TAKER III TBAKSrOBTATION LAOS darltaa traaaparuilaa Wash tegtan L) Will abara aapaaaaa aad halp drlm Fhsaa UU1 19) UMT AMD TOO HD DARK brawn ilia laat While Jaat black alreak dawn back Kama -MIV Phono bill Reward rt nAiTEn'i Lad fa Ma Ill aa laathar fab laat Sbiravad Ktara Raward Pbaa HU IRIEP raaa taltlala Mafia ar aaar Hatai Macea Reward rata ra Tllafraph APRCIAL MffllW "liRTitif Wblla Oak Miaarml Watar Tha watar that ballda ap paar aratam Baata favartah atamach haapa tha kM Bara parfart randllia PHOKR IHM Ta aat-el-lawa raadara a aaa rial Tatepraph aad Mawa ciaaaiflad Ada: A Jarra aamhar af Tatepraph aad Rawa Ciaaaiflad ada carry Maaaa haba humkara aa tha anlp Addraaa Oat-af-tawa raadara wha wlah ta an pwar thaaa ada map aaad tba aaawara direct ta Tba Talrraph aad Mawa Ctea wflad Adrartlala Papartmaat Tba laBlrp will ba far war dad ta tba liwmadlatalp I Wlfll ta tefaria tba pabtle that I MtKitf alib MmIim Fbarimap 111! Vlaarllte araaaa aad baa aald my Iniaran ta Mn II TO no Hip WMIW am mil war Hai (HlfBad) Mradawa ID FROFEIUONAL OPTORJTMIdT Rpaa aaaatiaaA Ateaaaa fitted Rabart A Rtbrtdrw III Aaa aad PhaM lilt flETTWriBSuEIGr lbplraa aad Charrp It A i Cottaa Are rheaaa IM aad Itl tld-AI TRINTlIfO Oaaalaa aairarad JONES CONEY Oafamardal prlaiara III Rraadway Pbaaa lilt Ml HEM9TITCIIINO PLEAT I NO KEWINO t6u" want aralnr dona rillvi tha aaamrlraaiwa ta da It! (load plain aawini nt amnll rent A Work-ahop Ml liulbarrp bt (IT) MATTKKNNKN KRNOVATRIt Jahnaun Mradra MEADERS MATTRESS CO Ill Arrb It Pbaaa MW HACUN MATfitlMP CU A 1 RLL'H Hrr Hlib Orada liaaaraliat "Oldaat Larraat and Iteat" III Oltetbarpa It JaH Balaw Mrabdwar ItT Par tba RRT af paar Ufa ill) EBrAIH SERVICE ikPAlllIkU auna ptetute laaka mlad Ini lawa mawara making kaya ata A JL HuUa III tacwidi PhaM TIT (Ml MOVING Jdovlna and atnrlng kiounwhalri rumla a apacialtp Crating racking aad hipping Wa aparlallu In long dtetana hauling Plnra In aafrtp WAIIliIVKN TiONPKI! WAItEItOVtlE COMPANY Pbaaa I1TL Wl Poplar II 1) WALL fAfEB WaLl paper apaclale Kokart Corley! Itl Cotton Ave Phone ml Boom lota af wall paphra work dans complete aa long aa they teat IMI par ream llalnallna-Tfelll burton Ml cotton Ave Pliona MIL HOUSEHOLU GOODS FOB SALS tfECEnnnw (U) Morale Bargee aaa Moves hitches ceblnete break tael 1 aullae daybade avaraturfad living room suites reapers dialog aullse Iran bade bad room aultee Haal bar gkiae Ualaa Fumltnri Caw Ill Pap lar at Pbaaa ItT iWAV Id second -kand furaltum sailing for storage Waab lJj4 Doodad arabauae las rbana arvrsxsxsfm refrigerator prac aala at bargaia tlcallp amr Phono tut ITekhuikuaTOU for oak re la Manias Am an frige rator tl-pound' Academy street rapacity Ul IM) COAL AND WOOD "iSirTtofSTwoSb uck load an yard Delivered lTL Maaeae-FHton Lbr ce tlil tiLisfON flUAb Wmtil yard Cut iirlil mle IJlt load I1M lead 4LM Dry card weed Ilil-J 6 BASKIN HR Uk' Railroad Schedules Central of Georgia Railway Africa from Depute he' Waycraaa-Jax gt P-Tmmpa 8nill1ita a favannah-Augubta a' Alban Bmlngham-Calnm Atlaota-Grlltla -i 11:5 tare Gaarglaa Attest -C AO Cln Oat Claw 1:1 tarn 'a' CtiL-St L-Nash V-Mam Mifvliiaritevtan aat: Mam ltUvlIla-CaVtaa Athoao-Madlaon Tillattt Atiaata-Urlffln Albaar-Jaa'vllla BavMaah-Aaguata Columbua-Bmghm Atlaata-Grtffln ChL-St i-Dt-01av Athona-Madlaaa 1 Atteata-Oritfln Jaa Fla Pta Sunday only xx Dally except gundky Georgia Railroad Arrieaa Mllladgarilte-Anguata 4: Ham Alacon Dublin SSavTILItt Arrive Lmvag 1 Vldalla-gavannah Southern Railway System Arrives ream Leave Fas Bwlu-Jau Fte pta ilillam -V AU-Btrm-St L-K a 444pm Stlpm Atlanta-Chb-Chk Atlaata-Jackaon -Tiftan-Valdaota Jax Via petal Bratuw-Kwvla Atk-Cta-DetClev Aflsnta-Aaharilla Jaa A Fla panne Itiilra Jaa-Mlam)-t Fate J'Mpm GbaAOteVCMite 4-(am 144tam lHpm i I '-ii.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.